Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Finally updating!

It's been awhile since iv updated my blog. Iv been so at peace just trying to live in the moment of the pregnancy. I shocked myself that I haven't even put it on Facebook, I thought I would want to ASAP and I thought I would want to blog everyday through out the pregnancy. But here I am finally updating 5 weeks later. I am currently 17 1/2 weeks pregnant, almost halfway there! Things have been going good. I started getting headaches but that's the only thing really, oh and I am constipated again and it makes me so uncomfortable! I get nervous thinking about being 8-9 months pregnant if I already feel really uncomfortable now. My energy really hasn't come back still either. All this crap about people saying the 2nd trimester is the best is a lie. Everyday I could cry for no reason for some as simple as a leaf fell off a tree. I feel so confused all the time and don't even know what I'm thinking. I feel like a draw a blank every time I try to think. And lately I have become so rude, and I don't even care. I used to always let Brent dish up his food first and I would save some for him after I dish up, but now it's like get out of my way and you better hope I don't eat it all. If it's something I'm craving he can have a nibble and that is it. My patience is at an all time low and the filter in my head has stopped working so I say whatever I am thinking. On a better note though, two nights ago I may have felt the first kicks! I felt them again last night too. It wasn't the flutters everyone is talking about, it's kicks. Like being poked from the inside. Brent wasn't home the first night and was asleep last night, but they are pretty strong and I do think he would be able to feel them. It's just so easy to pass it off as gas because I am gassy and constipated, but iv never felt this feeling before. It's exciting! On October 7th we have an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby, I'm still thinking girl. And we will have a gender reveal party on the 11th. Right now I want to wait to find out if it's a girl or a boy and find out AT the party. But I could change my mind once were at the appointment. I'm just nervous for my reaction, and what other people will think. Especially if it's a boy and I wanted a girl. But on the same note, if I am upset it's a boy I will have family around to make it a happy moment. Time will tell. But I am having a great time planning the party and making the most amazing invites. I think I might even post it on Facebook after the gender party. But iv said that before haha. I'll have to upload the belly pictures that you've all been missing out on later, my phone isn't uploading the pictures. 

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