Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Half way!

20 weeks! 4 1/2 months left. When I say it that way it seems so short, but when I think about the first 20 weeks and that I have that long to go, it seems like forever. I am FINALLY getting energy. I think nesting is starting to kick in because I have been cleaning the past two days and I want it all to be perfect. For 4 1/2 months I have been so drained and am hopefully the 2nd half of this pregnant is more joyful. So far it has been. Baby has been kicking everyday and is wide awake right now at 1:30. I love feeling the kicks and I am excited for brent to feel them but they're not strong enough yet. We have put ultrasound scheduled for October 7th to find out the gender and our reveal party is the 11th. As of right now both brent and I will be finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl at the party. I will be super shocked if it's a boy. I'm just so sure it's a girl. It will be exciting to know if the baby is a boy or girl though and then we can start getting the nursery all set up and pick out colors and a theme. It sure seems that the 2nd half of pregnancy has a lot more perks! 

1 comment:

  1. I am excited for your Family also.... I agree the second half of the pregnancy has it's perks! :)
