Monday, May 5, 2014

First purchase

I bought my first purchase for the baby! Wild gear! Miko looks a little concerned in this picture that those outfits are for him. I also bought a shirt that says current family favorite, fuzzy socks, and little baby hangers. I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl, I'm hoping for a girl. I am excited to decorate the baby's room and guy all the gender clothes and extras. It seems like it's going to be forever until we find out. It seems so far away for our first doctors appointment even which i want to schedule for about three weeks away. According to my last period I am 4 weeks and 4 days along, im sure that will change a little at my first appointment. I do have questions about exercising though, walking just doesn't seem like enough. I want to use my shake weight and do my regular yoga but everyone says to ask my doctor but that seems so far away. I just feel so out of shape and icky. I'm super bloated and constipated. Its like when you get your period, but then it goes away and you feel super skinny and feel great. I guess it's going to be awhile until I feel like that again haha. I just wish I got the baby bump right away and you could  tell it obvious your pregnant. Baby bumps are so cute, and I am excited for that to show. But again, it will be awhile. I haven't had any symptoms besides bloated and constipated. Some heart burn with certain foods, but iv been using lemon and peppermint essential oils for that and it's been working great! I ate a fiber one bar last night and had coffee this morning and that worked for the constipation. Things are going good and I hope they stay that way, hopefully no morning sickness. But I'm sure it's on it's way. 

1 comment:

  1. My doctor said you could continue with any exercises that you did before getting pregnant, but not to become a heavy weight lifter or start up running if that wasn't something you did pre-preggo. You're going to look SO adorable with a baby bump! Can't wait! My morning sickness showed up around week 6 and then got really bad after that. As much as it sucks, it's a good sign of a healthy baby :-) I'm just so excited for you!!
