Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hearing the heartbeat

We had our 2nd doctors appointment yesterday and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! It was 156 beats per minute and she said that the chance of a miscarriage go way down now. It makes everything seem so real. There is a real human being inside of me =) I just wish I would get to meet this little baby sooner! We both really like our doctor now, that makes it an even better experience. She explained everything to us and went over my lab results, the tests the last doctor never told us they were doing. That all was great and the pregnancy is going great too! Even though my tummy sure is growing, I have actually lost one pound. The doctor said that is ok but soon they want to see me gaining weight. Seems more realistic now because my nausea is getting way better! Food actually sounds so good, so I don't think it will be a problem gaining weight now haha. We have the 1st trimester screening on Tuesday so we will get to see the baby again. I am really excited about that!